Be Relevant

Where did you get your start? Who prepared you with the grit and persistence to weather uncertain times? By having the courage to embrace the uncertainty of COVID-19, we have discovered the truth: that we are more powerful and more resilient than we realize.

We have witnessed this resilience firsthand and inspired by so many business owners; they are problem solvers, especially in unsettled times. We’ve been impressed by local business efforts to pivot during the pandemic while also encouraging and respecting physical distancing and the shelter-in-place order. Our communities are finding ways to keep the gears of our economy, moving to protect small businesses and preserve more jobs. While our hospitals are finding ways to work from home and take care of the patient in their home

We problem solvers can thrive in chaotic and uncertain times because we act to change our future. The main message: remain flexible and relevant. We know from the Bible, John 3:16, that we are relevant in God’s eyes. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. We can’t get more relevant God gave his only Son so we may have a future.

What a wild time it is. But I have a hunch that when we look back on this unsettled moment, we will see that some of the best ideas were born and nurtured during a pandemic; it can push us to address problems in different ways. Let’s not undercut our creative potential; even (or especially) during uncertainty, let’s be relevant in our communities. #Be a mission owner #Be a force for good #be brilliant #be curious