My Brains Opinion

The reason this is titled My Brains Opinion is because that that is all we have, our brains opinion. Brain opinions can change with additional information by either reading or listening to other people. If you can truly get that all you have is your brain’s opinion, it is not fact, it is not the truth, it is just your brain’s opinion you are way ahead of the people who are spouting their opinions as if they are facts. For example, in this time of COVID-19, people are judging others for, thinking we should  not open, or we should have never shut down. You should wear a mask, you should not wear a mask; you should open up churches, you should not open up churches. All stem from people’s brain’s opinions. The same thing happens at work people share their brains opinion as if they have all the answers or facts.

Our brains should have different opinions; after all, each brain has different experiences. Our brains can have different opinions and still be a supportive community. We can learn and evolve in our understanding of other brains opinions and be civil.