Letter to Respiratory Care Hero’s

The news is all about respiratory care. And while the information is about COVID-19, we understand that, at its most basic level, COVID-19 is a respiratory issue. Over the last year, you have played a crucial role in our response to the pandemic, with the influx of patients experiencing breathing problems. You are the guardians of a crucial piece of equipment: the ventilators that help our patients battling COVID-19. You have intervened countless times for the patient with chronic conditions, flu-like symptoms, or COVID-19, preserving their ability to breathe.

Not only are you called to treat their disease, but you are also there to give them a hand and someone to talk to—even holding the hand of someone who’s going through the end of life. Throughout the pandemic, we’ve had respiratory therapists help patients FaceTime their families when they couldn’t come in and see them. Despite challenging circumstances, you find ways to support not just the physical, but the emotional needs of our patients.

From high-risk deliveries to cardiac arrests and traumas, the cases you respond to are often during the scariest time in a patient life: when they can’t breathe. I sleep better at night knowing that you are on the front lines as a highly trained professional, helping patients overcome their respiratory illnesses.

I am sure you faced many challenges throughout 2020. Still, you persevered in each situation while maintaining and improving your high-quality service to our patients. COVID-19 pushed you to the limits as you worked hard while adapting to new circumstances, provided results with challenging procedure standards, and saved lives while risking your own. No option allowed you to work from home. It is good to be essential, but COVID-19 brought new meaning to that word. Thank you for your truly heroic actions. You were caring for patients before COVID-19 and excelled during the pandemic—and I’m so grateful that you will be there tomorrow to continue serving our community.

Thank you for your unfailing commitment day after day and treatment after treatment. The healthcare profession is challenging, and there’s more to it than most people could ever imagine. I want to say thank you for all your hard work; it means a lot to our physicians, team members, our patients, and their families. Thank you for the sacrifices that you make. Thank you for doing the work that is now more important than ever. Thank you for being there for the mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers who needed help catching their next breath.

Thank you for choosing to work at Kettering Health. Thank you for keeping our patients breathing easier.

With gratitude,