Trepidation, Relief, and Hope

As many of us begin to emerge from our imposed isolation cautiously, we carry with us a mixture of trepidation, relief, and hope. We have no idea what is coming down the pike, but what we know our mission remains unchanged. Living Gods Love by Inspiring Health, Wholeness, and Hope. At our core, we aim to bring the best possible healthcare experience to our community. We aim to arm our teams with the tools necessary to achieve this aim.

Whether at home or work, we continue to share the common bond of being Adventist Health as we confront this pandemic and plot our way forward in this era of a “new normal”. While our strategies may differ from what they were just four months ago, it is a constant that we have a God, who loves us to lean on. Proverbs 3:5-6 states, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct they paths”.

As we ramp up our healthcare efforts, God is ready to offer a helping hand He just asks us to trust him. Our responsibly; practice proper infection prevention during this time of crisis. We wish you and your safety and good health. #love