Worth Taking a Risk

Is taking risk your default setting? Do you want to tackle the world and see how far you can climb the leadership ladder? If so, it means that you have to learn a lot of lessons along the way. Some will be easy and some hard. Expect to be knocked down more times than you can count. Somewhere along with your leadership journey, people will question your ability to lead.

Make every set back a determination to learn more and to do more growing. Couse correction is just another opportunity to tap into the potential that you haven’t used. Confidence can be built out of the turbulence when you refuse to let fear take over. Embrace failure, when you do fear dissipates and releases its hold over you.
Ask yourself: If you never experience fear, how would you live your life differently?

If you weren’t afraid of potential collateral damage if you could have that extraordinary dream, or you see failure as a teacher and not an enemy, what road would you take? One thing is guaranteed; change will occur. So, take a minute and identify the things in your life that are worth taking a risk.